January 10, 2023
Foundation House
Greenwich, CT

8:30am-9:00am - Check in
9:00am-9:15am - Opening Remarks
Mimi Sternlicht/Foundation House
Richard Zimmerman/Foundation House
9:15am-9:45am - Keynote: Developing Communities of Opportunity
Jonathan Rose/Jonathan Rose Companies
9:45am-10:30am - Panel: Holistic Programs and Services
Denise Durham Williams/Inspirica
Rob Hebert/Career Resources
Anahaita Koval/Lifting Up Westchester
Inna Khidekel/Bridge Investment Group
10:30am-11:00am - Fireside Chat: The State of Affordable Housing in CT - What is happening? What’s Needed? What’s Next?
Richard Zimmerman/Foundation House
Seila Mosquera-Bruno/Commissioner, CT Department of Housing
11:00am-11:15am - Break
11:15am-12:00pm - Panel: Advocating For Affordable Housing
Mendi Blue Paca/Fairfield County Community Foundation
Sean Ghio/Partnership for Strong Communities (PSC)
Erin Boggs/Open Communities Alliance
Aïcha Woods/Fairfield County Center for Housing Opportunity
12:00pm-1:00pm - Lunch
1:00pm-1:45pm - Panel: Housing for Homeless
Evonne Klein/CT Coalition to End Homelessness
Amy King/Pallet Shelter
Joseph Weisbord/JRW Strategies
Rafael Pagan/Pacific House
1:45pm-2:30pm - Panel: Developing Affordable Rental/Affordable Home Ownership
William "Jamey" Healy/New Neighborhoods
Michael Hunter/Trinity Financial
Anthony Johnson/Greenwich Communities
Brooks Harris/Greenwich Affordable Housing Trust Fund
2:30pm-2:50pm - Presentation: Why Sustainable Can Be Affordable - Gray Organschi Architecture
Alan Organschi/Gray Organschi Architecture
2:50pm-3:00pm - Break
3:00pm-3:45pm - Panel: Creative Financing
Richard Zimmerman/Foundation House
Joan Carty/Housing Development Fund (HDF)
Chris Hermann/Enterprise Community Partners
Nandini Natarajan/CT Housing Finance Authority
3:45pm-4:15pm - Presentation: Blue Room Housing/Madelon Group
Alfonso Medina/Madelon Group
Sharon Schneider/Blue Room Housing
4:15pm-5:00pm - Closing Remarks & Networking
On January 10, 2023, Foundation House hosted a private convening of key industry players to explore innovative solutions to Affordable Housing in Connecticut.
Keynote Speakers:
Jonathan Rose/Jonathan Rose Companies
Seila Mosquera-Bruno/Commissioner, CT Department of Housing
The Summit first provided an overview of the current state of Affordable Housing in the region and then focused on creative solutions in development, design, and financing by drawing upon best practices and innovative initiatives in CT region and beyond.
Participants and attendees included government and advocacy leaders, housing designers and developers, philanthropists, funders, and interested citizens.
The goal was to discuss and learn about creative ways to bring about safe and affordable housing to our region.
For follow-ups, feedback, or any interest in organizing a gathering at Foundation House, please contact .
Aaron Holm/Blokable
Alan Organschi/Gray Organschi Architecture
Aicha Woods/The Housing Collective
Alfonso Medina/Madelon Group
Alli Ganim/Fairfield County Community Foundation
Amy King/Pallet Shelter
Anahaita Kotval/Lifting Up Westchester
Andrew Ferguson/Dalio Foundation
Brian Kurtz/Climate Tech
Chintan Panchal/RPCK
Chris Hermann/Enterprise Community Partners
Christopher Landino/Career Resources
Clay Fowler/Spinnaker
David Rich/The Housing Collective
Denise Durham Williams/Inspirica
Elizabeth Torres/Housing Smarts
Emily Gordon/City of Stamford
Emily Byrne/CT Voices
Erin Boggs/Open Communities Alliance
Erik Clemons/ConnCorop
Evonne Klein/CT Coalition to End Homelessness
Griselda Champaign/Capital for Change
Howard Fischer/Gratitude Railroad
Inna Khidekel/Bridge Investment Group
James Sternlicht/The Peace Department
William "Jamey" Healy/New Neighborhoods
Janet Stone McGuigan/City of Greenwich
Janeene Freeman/City of Stamford
Jay Patrick/Enterprise Community Partners
Joan Carty/HDF Connect
Joe Weisbord/JRW Strategies
Joe Collin/Fairfield County Community Foundation
Jonathan Cabral/CT Project
Jonathan Rose/Jonathan Rose Companies
Julian Pierce/Fairfield County Community Foundation
Karen Brown/Tudor Foundation
Karina Saltman/Webster Bank
Karla Fortunato/CT Council for Philanthropy
Kathy Luria/Webster Bank
Kim Morque/Spinnaker
Larissa Longchamp/Citi Foundation
Lena Holleran/CT Department of Housing
Lisa Endo/Norwalk Housing Authority
Marjan Murrary/M&T Bank
Mary Murano/Career Resources
Matthew Straub/LISC
Maya Reddi/Board Member, Fairfield County Community Foundation
Meghan Lowney/Ripple Effect
Mendi Blue Paca/Fairfield County Community Foundation
Michael Hunter/Trinity Foundation
Nancy Coughlin/P2P Helps
Nandini Natarajan/CT Housing Finance Authority
Pablo Colon/Avangrid
Paige Bellissimo
Peter Mosbacher/Webster Bank
Rafael Pagan/Pacific House
Rafia Zahir-Uddin/JPM Chase
Renee Dobos/CT Housing Partners
Rob Hebert/Career Resources
Robert Schoetz/Schoetz
Rosa Rosa/Career Resources
Sandra Harris/Greenwich RTM
Savannah-Nicole Villalba/Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments
Sean Ghio/Partnership for Strong Communities
Seila Mosquera-Bruno/Commissioner, CT Department of Housing
Scott Pinkus/Gratitude Railroad
Sharon Schneider/Blue Room Housing
Shenae Draughn/The Glendower Group
Steven Elson/WestHab
William Sternlicht
Natalia Alvarez/The Peace Department
Marco Pistoia/JP Morgan Chase & Co